Call us on: 01481 264202
24 hours a day, 365 days a year
We will all experience the loss of a loved one at some point in our lives.
If the loss has been expected and the process of dying has been painful and drawn out this often gives the family a sense of relief knowing that their loved one is no longer in pain, but it can often be followed by a sense of guilt for feeling that way.
We do all need to move forward but that doesn't mean we ever get over the loss of a loved one. There will always be the empty space, birthdays, anniversary dates you remember, but as time goes on the pain diminishes to the extent that the sadness turns into remembering and laughing about happier times.
Everyone takes time to come to terms with their loss but there is help and advice that can help you through this difficult period. Our Bereavement Guide takes you through some of the stages and feelings that many people experience and the following organisations also offer help and support:
Guernsey Bereavement ServiceKingsland House, Les Basses Capelles,
St Sampson
Tel: 01481 257778
The Samaritans
2 Forest Lane, St. Peter Port.
Tel: 01481 715515
Citizens’ Advice Bureau
The Bridge, St. Sampsons
Tel: 01481 242266
Guernsey Sands
(Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society)
Provides support and care to anyone affected by the death of a baby in Guernsey.
The Sunflower Project @ The HUB
(Support for 11-16 year olds)
Tel: 01481 724421
Victim Support Scheme
Tel: 01481 223000
Age Concern
Tel: 01481 263228
Health Connections
Tel: 01481 227470