Call us on: 01481 264202

24 hours a day, 365 days a year

“A funeral is not a day in a lifetime, but a lifetime in a day.”

Our mission is to help the family and community recognise the value of that life lived and find meaningful ways to honour the memory of their loved one.

We provide support for each family and care for their loved one with the utmost professionalism, respect, and dignity that we would afford our own family in time of need.

  • Honesty, integrity and trust is fundamental in all our relationships
  • Keeping our commitments is fundamental in all our engagements
  • We preserve and respect our families’ privacy and confidentiality
  • We not only strive for excellence in our service, but also to provide the best possible value
  • We believe in innovation to help us improve all elements of our work and to provide families near and far the opportunity to say goodbye to their loved ones
  • We value and contribute positively to our local community

Families who come to Beckfords are very important to us and we will always work hard to support them throughout each engagement and thereafter.

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