Call us on: 01481 264202
24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Wholly owned by a local family, Beckfords is the longest-established funeral company in Guernsey, serving the Island’s community for over 149 years.
We have earned a reputation for personal service, care and attention to detail and pride ourselves in arranging funerals in accordance with the family’s wishes.
In good hands
Our staff will take care of everything but will never take over.
- Guernsey’s longest established funeral directors (since 1875)
- Locally family owned and managed
- Experienced and professional staff
- State of the art and purpose built facility
- Peaceful location
- Plentiful parking and access for the disabled
In your own time
We are usually called in just after a death and we are keenly aware that it is a highly emotional time. No matter what the circumstances, bereaved family and friends are dealing with sadness, shock, and grief, sometimes for the first time. We understand, and we will never pressure you to make a decision. We are there to help you and if you feel you are not in the right frame of mind at that time, we will wait until you are ready.
In accordance with your wishes
Many people don’t really think about organising a funeral until they need to and family members and friends don’t always discuss their own wishes, so deciding what to do can sometimes be difficult. Beckfords’ staff will be on hand to guide you through the funeral process with empathy, sensitivity and care. Based on your thoughts and our years of experience, we will help you decide on the type of funeral that is the right send-off for your loved one.
To the highest standards
At Beckfords our team conduct themselves with the utmost professional integrity, dignity and respect. We follow strict guidelines in health and safety and rigorous regulatory safeguards and controls enabling us to be members of The National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors.
Whenever you need us
Our services are available day and night should they be required. Our 24 hour call out service is available by calling 264202. Our team can be contacted on the same number during working hours or emailing